Apply for a Grant 2024 ACF applications cycle is now OPEN
Are you a Stillwater County non-profit doing good work for your community? Does your organization have a special project in need of funding assistance? Consider partnering with the ACF for your needs.
Grant application forms can be found by clicking the button below. Complete and submit the application to the ACF by April 30th each year. Incomplete, illegible or late applications WILL NOT be accepted--NO EXCEPTIONS!
Upon submission, the ACF Board will review and discuss your request. Your organization will be notified of your grant status by June 1 each year.
The ACF Board asks that reports be generated on the success of your project by April 1, prior to the next grant application cycle. Organizations that fail to submit a reporting form will not be funded for the current year. Please download and complete the form and return it to the ACF Board by April 1, 2023. Thank you!