In a nutshell, the Absarokee Community Foundation helps local service and professional organizations build a stronger community by supporting their projects through monetary grants. The Foundation also has a permanent endowment fund established in order to plan for and ensure a thriving community into the future.
Supporting Local Organizations As evidence by the good work of various non-profits in our area, service and professional organizations help build a stronger community – and in our neck of the woods, these organizations have a very large impact. They perform critical services and add life to the fabric of our community. These hard-working groups plan carefully, manage tight budgets, and often rely on volunteers to staff and support their programs.
The ACF provides these groups with a source of additional or emergency funding, while providing the community with an effective way to channel financial resources where they are needed. Since 2000, the Foundation has contributed more than $430,000 to local groups, including: Absarokee Area Merchants Association, Operation Second Chance, Stillwater Boosters, Stillwater Valley Watershed Council, Skip’s Place, Kruizin’ 4 Seniors, Stillwater Senior Center, Dean Community Club, Cobblestone Community Center and others, helping them meet their goals and execute important projects through grants.
Delivering Support Where It’s Needed In addition to delivering support to our community through organizational grants, the Absarokee Community Foundation also has a permanent endowment fund, administered by the Montana Community Foundation (a statewide association of foundations) that’s contributed to by local residents and returns earnings annually. These earnings help build a legacy for our area’s future and enables the ACF to respond to unanticipated and/or emergency community needs. Since its establishment in 2000, the Absarokee Community Foundation has $430,000 in its permanent endowment. The Absarokee Community Foundation is one of more than 46 rural community foundations affiliated with the Montana Community Foundation, which was established in 1988 and has grown to manage more than 500 funds and $65 million in assets.
About the Montana Community Foundation
Provides a secure investment environment for the endowment
Pools resources to allow for the professional management of the permanently endowed assets by highly competitive institutional funds managers
Performs well and shows a ten-year average return on assets exceeding the industry average
Qualifies donations for the Montana Charitable Tax Credit
Provides semi-annual financial statements to the Absarokee Community Foundation Board of Directors
Maintains the intent of the donors in perpetuity
Absarokee Community Foundation Non-Profit EIN: 73-1658638